Triple Stemcell™ Miracle Intense Essence

Triple Stemcell™ Miracle Intense Essence

Triple Stem Cell is a swiss plant stem cell combination of PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica(Apple Stem Cell), PhytoCellTec Solar Vitis (Grape Stem Cell), PhytoCellTec Argan(Morocco Argan Fruit) enriched with DermCom Crocus Chrysanthus Bulb Extract(2012 Europe Innovation Prize), Hyaluronic Acid, Wheat Extract, Acid Hydrolyzed Cassava Extract and has extensive with mineral springs to provide a significant result.

More About Triple Stemcell™ Miracle Intense Essence

Triple Stem Cell is effective in skin’s anti-aging, whitening, toning, moisturizing, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, enhances elasticity, protection from Ultra-Violet radiation and other benefits to keep you more younger, radiant and beautiful!

Your Ageless Beauty SecretExclusively formulated with award winning active ingredients to provide age-defying benefits to the skin. It helps the skin maintain perfect cellular balance transforming the skin to a remarkably ageless state & offers performance beyond expectations for the woman who knows she deserves the best in the world.

Triple Stemcell Miracle Intense is very simple to use. Spray in the face. If there are some other parts, simply spray to see the miracle..

Triple stemcell Miracle Intense Essence combining three kinds of plant stem cells, the invention won two European Innovation Invention Awards and twice Nobel Prize winner’s Dr. Linus Pualing recommended trace elements with small molecules and high penetrability certainly be able to let you have immediate surface reaction, radiant, and confident.

It improves the appearance of 10 dimensions of beautiful, youthful & crystal clear skin:

Spots are less visible, appearance of wrinkles is reduced, more refined skin texture, skin firmed & lifted, radiance is beautifully elevated, better skin elasticity, more even skin tone, hydration reinforced, moist & supple skin, enhanced skin vitality

Recommended Application:

Shake the bottle & spray onto face after toner.
Allow the essence to fully absorb before applying moisturizer.
Essence can also be used as face freshener.
Just shake & spray onto face for immediate revitalization.
Spray onto scalp & massage gently to promote healthy hair growth.

Reverse Ageing Process

Who says that you can’t look younger? Using a special ingredient DermCom based on a rare flower Crocus Chrystanthus, enables your cells to communicate repair and reverse the aging process. Due to its growth properties it is able to rejuvenate your skin after each use.

Leave people wondering the secret to your youth!

Refines Skin Texture

Our skin loses its firmness and elasticity during ageing process. Triple Stem Cell Miracle Intense Essence can refine the texture of your skin, effectively removing visible wrinkles, spots and other skin defects. The results leaving your skin more refined and beautiful.

Protecting you all day long!

Reinforced Hydration

Free radicals damages your skin and causes ageing. Triple Stemcell H2O Moisturizer releases stem cells into the skin that promotes regeneration and repairs damaged skin. Bringing out your skin’s radiance after each use.

Youthfulness at your fingertips!

Triple Stemcell™ Miracle Intense Essence From…

PhytoCellTec ™ MalusDomestica (Apple Stem Cell)
Apples Stem cell has been praised in the world of cosmetics and fashion as an anti-aging breakthrough – even Michelle Obama is rumored to be fans. Stem Cell of apples Uttwiler Spätlauber mentioned can protect skin cell regeneration thus delay the onset of wrinkles. The discovery was made ​​by a Swiss company.
US Vogue November issue calling it further as “apple super” and the tree as a “fountain of youth.”
Apples Uttwiler Spätlauber, which was first recorded in the 18th century, came from Thurgau, in northern Switzerland. Famous because it can be stored for long periods because it stays fresh for 4 months from apples harvested while others have shriveled. However, this species is not cultivated because it tastes sour shrinking while the number of trees.

PhytoCellTec ™ Solar Vitis (Grape StemCell)
Solar Vitis is based on stem cells from grapes GamayTeinturierFréaux – a wine from Burgundy that has polyphenols very high UV protection.
Extensive studies show that PhytoCellTec ™ Solar Vitis reliable in protecting the stem cells of the epidermis from the stress of UV and skin aging caused by sunlight. PhytoCellTec ™ Solar Vitis increases the vitality and resilience of the skin cells.
Using plant stem cells to protect skin cells most importantly, that its stem cells, thus delaying the aging of the skin. PhytoCellTec ™ Solar Vitis protects the skin from aging due to sun light and subsequent effect, extend the vitality of skin cells and maintain the appearance of skin stay young and beautiful for longer.

PhytoCellTec™ Argan
A fruit that comes from the ancient Berber tree (Argania spinosa), which grows only in the southwest of Morocco and is known for strength and service long life. Argan fruit core is rich in fatty acids (oleic, linoleic) and produce oil that is highly nutritious and is beneficial moisturizer for hair and skin. This fruit has a patent on the liposomal encapsulation process for maximum results. Liposomes are one of the most effective carrier system for the delivery time and the release of biologically active ingredients.

Derm Com
A flower extract tubers that can improve the communication between cells that use extracts chrysanthus, Crocus, bulbs. Derm Com can reverse the aging process by stimulating communication intermediaries with skin cells. Crocus is a universal symbol of rejuvenation and youthfulness. Bulbs of this type is the storage of nutrients and is an interesting source of active ingredients for cosmetics.
As people age, the communication process intermediary skin cells, mediated by growth factors, reduce. This greatly affects the extracellular matrix (ECM) and network structural skin that causes a decrease in firmness, elasticity and skin density
Derm Com demonstrated, in a series of tests can stimulate keratinocytes to secrete growth factors (Growth Factor), which can increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the dermis. This effect on fibroblast is comparable to one of the transformation growth factor.

Clinical studies show that in two weeks this product increases skin firmness and

Collagen and elastin content in the skin also increases.