Double Stemcell Protect You Against CoronaVirus and Deadly Diseases
Nature has a way to heal itself. God has given us an inbuilt protective system (immune system) to help us fight foreign bodies (Fungi, Bacteria, Virus) that may cause damage to our body stem. But our cells lose control of its restoration ability as we age, hence the need to reinforce them in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout lifetime.
One way to reinforce them naturally is through stem cells;
What is Stem Cell?
A stem cell is a cell with the unique ability to develop into specialised cell types in the body.
Our body is made up of many different types of cell?.
Most cells are specialised to perform particular functions, such as red blood cells? that carry oxygen around our bodies in the blood, but they are unable to divide.
Stem cells provide new cells for the body as it grows, and replace specialised cells that are damaged or lost. They have two unique properties that enable them to do this:
They can divide over and over again to produce new cells.
As they divide, they can change into the other types of cell that make up the body.
The problem now is that as we grow older we lose most of our stem cells but thanks to breakthrough technology and vision of phytoscience and Mibell BioChemistry a Switzerland based company for manufacturing a product called Double Stem cell which has proven records to cure and prevent over 150 deadly diseases across the globe. I believe it can boost the human immune system to fight coronavirus and other deadly viruses.
Double Stemcell is a delicious blend of stem cells extracts found in the rare Swiss green Apple and Burgundy Grapes. It is exclusively formulated and enriched with phytonutrient-rich superstars to help you regain control and keep ageing at bay.
Ingredients of Double Stemcell
PhytoCellTec MalusDomestica (Apple stemcell) Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss is a rare 18th-century species of apple tree which is capable of Selfhealing discovered by a Swiss company called Mibelle biochemistry.
The apple stem cell has been hailed as one of the world’s most exciting breakthroughs in the treatment of Ageing and Damaged cells.
Research studies have shown that a 0.1% concentration of PhytoCellTec could activate and regenerate 80% stem cell in the human body.
Other Benefits include
Who says you can’t remain youthful? Double Stem Cells rejuvenates your face, body and organs by protecting cellular longevity. The apple stem cell delays the ageing process naturally leaving your body feeling fresh regenerative capacity.
To place an order visit our store or order for double stemcell from here
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